Thursday, February 25, 2016

My Burdened Heart

Beneath cold skies of night
My heart beats
Grasping to survive
Trying to not drown
In tears

Quietly I slip into velvet
Cold air
Caresses my thoughts
I’m suffocating

Loss of hope
Forgotten dreams
Faith disappears
In the morrow
I’m crushed

My burdened heart
Barely beats
My burdened heart
Beats toward

Nothing becomes safer
Than something
Absent moments
Collide with fears
I’ve no strength

Cold skies of night
Dressed in velvet darkness
Have stolen
My hope
My grace

My faith

(All stories/poems blogged/written/published  by Maryanne Mesplé/Mesple are my property and protected under copyright laws. No part may be used or reproduced in anyway without my permission ~ Maryanne Mesplé) 

Saturday, February 20, 2016

The Quivering of Nothing

The space around me trembles
My mind is not still
Quivering objects taunt me
Threaten my reality

Keeping eyes closed
Keeps life still
Gazing down toward
The ground
Assures my logic
I am okay

Looking up
The quivering of nothing
Rattles my head
Keep still I scream!
Stop it!

Chairs don’t dance!
Lamps don’t jump!
My cup does not glide and slide
And shiver when filled!

The space around me quivers
My mind grabs and clings
To what is supposed to be
Not this shivering mess

That surrounds me

(All stories/poems blogged/written/published  by Maryanne Mesplé/Mesple are my property and protected under copyright laws. No part may be used or reproduced in anyway without my permission ~ Maryanne Mesplé)