Sunday, May 29, 2016

On Being a Hermit

~On Being a Hermit~

I know the heart of the Hermit
Is a heart war torn
Beaten and downtrodden
A resource tattered and scattered
Used up then left aside

Outside life progresses on

Crawling away, hiding within
Recluse like in darkened internal dens
Withdrawing from the poisons
Of a venomous world

In solitude healing begins

The battle scars reflect
Days once lived in belief and faith
Offering up compassion and love
To those whom choose to only fear

Alone time stands still

Turn off the chatter of a wounded heart
Live a life apart from all the winds
Forgiving forgetting the Terrors of life
Rebuild a spirit that is strengthened
From within

Love is the visceral elixir of faith

The Hermit becomes wise
Beyond thoughts, beyond body
Knowing that to be alone within and without
Heals the tortured soul so that
Wisdom can be born

Come out

(Painting and photo by Maryanne Mesplé 2016)

Poem by Maryanne Mesplé May 2016


  1. I relate to this. Lovely verse too! - Reminds me of my Black Bear dream. It's required to retreat to heal.

  2. Glad you relate! Hermits unite! you'll have to share your Black Bear dream with me
