Saturday, December 5, 2015


I’ve Had It

I'm delusional if I'm a believer in a God.
I'm a complacent stupid fool with my head up my backside if I pray.

I'm hated if I'm a Christian.
I'm hated if I'm Muslim.
I'm hated of I'm Jewish.
I'm hated if I'm Pagan
I'm hated if I'm Buddhist 
I'm hated if I'm Hindu 
I'm hated if I'm Atheist
I'm hated if I'm Agnostic

I'm a stupid sheep that misinterprets the 2nd amendment
If I don't agree with just anyone and everyone owning all the guns they could possible want
I'm an angry radical future terrorist that misinterprets the 2nd amendment
If I am a gun owner that owns as many guns that I want.

I am a blind idiot for being an American
Or Australian
Or Iranian
Or Middle Eastern in any way
Or Indigenous 
Or Chinese
Or Korean
Or live anywhere you don't.

I am an uncaring murderer if 
I support Pro Choice
And I am a hypocrite if I’m
Pro Life

Vaccinate! Don't Vaccinate!

It's real! It's a conspiracy and did not happen!

Vote Democrat? I'm a stupid ignorant whiny 
Bleeding heart Liberal trying to destroy America!

Vote Republican? I'm a stupid ignorant
Ego centered money hungry corporate loving fool 
Trying to destroy America!

Recycle, conserve energy, and work toward helping our planet be healthy and 
I'm somehow wrong for caring about the future because I'm being a responsible 
Citizen of Earth.
Don't believe in recycling energy conservation and climate change because God will take care
of Everything and I'm being a responsible citizen of Earth. 

Share pictures of my family and food and I'm stupid and boring
and don't have a life.
Don't post pictures and something is wrong with me, "don't you have a life?'
Share pictures of abused animals to promote a cause and I'm insensitive. Share pictures of cuddly kittens and I'm immature.

I'm always ...

Too thin Too fat Too white Too black Too yellow Too red
Too hungry Too smart Too stupid Too ignorant Too educated
Too dependent Too rich Too poor Too clean Too dirty
Too religious
Too hedonistic 
Too Human!

I'm tired of it all.
I'm exhausted.

I'm disheartened.